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Our Chicago Tummy Tuck Surgery Philosophy

Dr Speron wanted to improve the long-term relationship with his patients. These are some of the practices that you can expect from Dr Speron.

  • Friendly health care service.
  • Using advanced medical technologies.
  • Understand the procedures and tests needed with a tummy tuck.
  • Appointments that will meet your expectations.
  • A staff who will respect you.
  • Answers to your questions, concerns and doubts about surgery.

These are the high expectations Dr. Speron and his staff will strive to meet every day..

Message To My Chicago Tummy Tuck Patients

As patient and physician, ours is more than a relationship; it's a partnership. A partnership is based on mutual trust and confidence. I want to ensure that you get an accurate diagnosis and treatment that's best and most satisfactory for you.

To give you the best, most thorough care possible, I need some things from you:

In return for your involvement and communication, I promise I'll communicate with you. I believe the result will be a better medicine and a stronger relationship.

What is the goal of Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery has advanced a lot in the recent years with a boom in the medical technologies. The reconstruction of the damaged parts in the body can be done through plastic surgery. The skin can be restored close back to the normal stage. A portion of the body part can be changed or it can be made to have an enhanced look.

Please feel free to check out Dr Speron's professional CV, which details his training and certifications.